
Monday 4 January 2021

Seremban City Short Walking Tour

After a bowl of scrumptious Seremban beef noodles (click to read my review) I had about an hour before picking up some Seremban Siew Pow and heading for home. My chauffeur (my son) was only patient enough to wait an hour at whatever destination I wanted to be in Seremban. With just an hour I decided to explore the streets of the city centre, as that is a thing I've never done before. It was a hot and humid day and much as I dislike to walk under strong afternoon rays, I hurried off to start my brisk walk while my chauffeur relaxed at KFC seeping a cold drink.

I started my walking tour from KFC (RSA), moving along Jln Dato Abd Rahman, Jln Tunku Hassan, Jalan Dato Bandar Tunggal, Jln Dato Lee Fong Yee and Jln Yam Tuan. I also walked along Lorong Seni and some other unnamed side lanes and back lanes before the hour's up.

The Photo Gallery:The Municipal of Seremban has done a fair bit to spruce up the city by giving old shop houses a makeover of radiant paint. The side lanes and back lanes are also enlivened with street arts. 

 Some of the older shop houses are a little over a hundred years old.

Street art is becoming popular in major cities around the world and it is always a winning formula to transform dirty and dull lanes into ones worthy of strolling by.

My walk would have been more pleasant without the sweat trickling down my face. Malaysia is actually a beautiful country (minus its weather).


My walk ended at Jalan Yam Tuan, in front of a very beautiful Church. Church Of The Visitation is a Catholic church, built in 1848.  

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