
Friday 10 October 2014

China Silk Road Travel Part 12: The Grape Valley Of Turpan

Grapes to Turpan is like mangoes or papayas to us. Grapes grow easily in Turpan and are seen almost everywhere. We visited the Grape Valley which is located some 10km from Turpan town. 
We almost went gaga over these luscious grapes.
They come in different varieties and different colours.

It feels like the Garden of Eden here.

It was so tempting to pluck and eat as the grapes are just an arm's length from us but wait! Look at the notice first. "100CNY fine" for plucking the grapes, it says. Ah, it was so near yet so far, a forbidden fruit indeed.
The Grape Valley is 8km long and between 600m to 2000m wide.
Being disciplined people we didn't pluck any. It was sufficient that our eyes were well feasted.
All of a sudden we saw something different dangling from the vines. It was the wood gourd.
We walked until we've seen enough.
Right at the exit stood this cute Post Office.
And a very quaint looking....don't know what!

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