
Friday 10 October 2014

China Silk Road Travel Part 14: Emin Minaret

Emin Minaret in Turpan is located along the ancient Silk Route. Named after a Turpan General Emin Khoja this minaret was built in 1778 and standing at 144 feet, it is the tallest minaret in China.(A minaret is a slender tower which is attached o a mosque or a Muslim place of worship)
We were the only group around that day.
Scrutinizing the intricate design on the upper portion 
The pattern on the middle portion is somewhat different.
The minaret stands beside a mosque called the Su Gong Ta Mosque.It was not possible to snap front view of the minaret and the mosque together as the evening sun was too strong.
Mosque exterior
A facade of the mosque
Another facade of the mosque
 mosque interior
The entrance into the mosque
The mosque is still being used as a prayer house till this day.
Tombstones beside the minaret.

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