
Friday 10 October 2014

China Silk Road Travel Part 34 : Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park

Danxia Landform Geological Park or simply the Coloured or Rainbow Mountains is one of the most spectacular attractions in my Silk Road itinerary. Located about 20km from Lingze County town and 40km from Zhangye City, the Rainbow Mountains offer an amazing and startlingly impressive panaroma of mountains with colours of rainbow. 
There are four viewing stations at the park which shuttle buses continuously ply to bring visitors to view the different landforms.
This intoxicating beauty is a result of layers of different coloured sandstones and minerals being pressed together over 24 million years. 
A closer view
An even closer view
The colours are like  the rainbow's with its gorgeous hues!
Every angle was so breathtaking, we just couldn't get enough of it. 
An old vacant house within the park
Up,up up to the viewpoint.
I enjoyed this place so much I decided to give it a rating of 6 Star!

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