
Friday 10 October 2014

China Silk Road Travel Part 5: Xinjiang, Where The People Speak Mandarin With A Funny Accent.

From Xian, we took a domestic flight (Hainan Airline) to Xinjiang. After 3 hours and a distance of 2555km we finally reached Urumqi the capital city of Xinjiang. (also known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region)
Urumqi is a developed modern city with many high rise buildings and flyovers. 

Residential apartments
Xinjiang is home to a number of ethnic groups including Uyghurs(45%), Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Han Chinese(40%), Hui and Mongols. This is a predominantly Muslim region and most restaurants serve only Muslim food. Womenfolk here dress exactly like the Malay women in Malaysia.

Even though Uighur is the official language, the Chinese government is slowly pushing for the dominance of Mandarin in administrative and learning institutions. The Muslims here are bilingual but speak Mandarin with a very funny accent.
Even prints in residents' ID are in Mandarin as well as in Uighur.

China Silk Road Tour Related Posts: 
Part 1: Overview

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