
Saturday 5 August 2017

An Excursion To South America: 9. The Brazillian Side Of Iguazu Falls

Enough of basking in the beautiful sights of Iguazu waterfalls on the Argentinian soil, we crossed over the border into the Brazil territory the next day. I strongly opine that a visit to Iguazu Falls (with approximately 275 falls in all) would only be complete by viewing the falls from both the Argentinian and Brazilian side. This coming from someone who has never fancied waterfalls means I was truly impressed and bowled over by what I saw.  
Even though Brazil houses only 20-30% of the falls, the panoramas you get viewing them from the Brazil territory are not less aesthetic nor pale in comparison with the spectacles from the Argentinian side. In fact the immensity and magnificence of the falls seen from this side will remain etched in the memory for a long long time. 

Iguacu National Park, Brazil
The Iguazu Falls (in Brazil it is spelt Iguacu) are located in Brazil's Iguacu National Park which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors have to first get their entry tickets at the Visitor's Centre (picture above) before being allowed in. There are a number of attractions in the park which include the diverse floras and faunas of a massive sub-tropical rainforest but we came here specifically for its waterfalls.
From the Visitor's Centre we have to take a 10 km bus ride to reach the starting point of a walking trail. This trail is much shorter and less elaborate compared to the trails on the Argentinian side and can easily be completed in a couple of hours unless one wants to spend more time soaking in the spectacular surrounds.
The walking path is well paved with short flights of stairs and a number of viewpoints to capture the best of vistas of the falls and Iguazu River. The handicapped and disabled who are not able to walk can actually skip this trail as the bus can take them to another entrance at the end of the trail where the best of waterfalls are located.
As I walked, that mesmerizing rainbow seemed omnipresent. It looked magical and evoked that feeling of being so close to nature.

I have taken some memorable shots of Iguazu Falls seen from the Brazillian side. Do enjoy the photos posted below.

The trail culminated in the most spectacular of sights. A footbridge leads to Devil's Throat which is a series of Iguazu's tallest and most powerful falls. Devil's Throat cuts across the border from Argentina to Brazil so it belongs to both countries.
You will need a raincoat to get to the far end of the footbridge. The roar of gushing water is thunderous and there is so much power in the fall that the mists and sprays will get you all wet.

Getting wet from the sprays despite the raincoat but well worth it.

In 2012, Iguazu Falls was declared the world's New 7 Wonders of Nature, a title it very well deserved.

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9.The Brazillian Side Of Iguazu Falls
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