
Monday 4 September 2017

An Excursion To South America: 17. Traversing Sacred Valley, Peru

Sacred Valley is a 60km stretch of land where millions will have to traverse through in order to visit Machu Picchu. It lies between the town of Pisac in the east and Ollantaytambo in the west and is dotted with a few other tiny towns along the way. Running parallel to Urubamba River and surrounded by the majestic mountains of the Andes, Sacred Valley is indeed a land of untold beauty. Despite the unending flow of tourists from all over the world, this region remains serene and is still unbelievably pristine.
Sacred Valley is bestowed with an ideal climate and rich fertile soil where crops thrive easily. It is known to produce Peru's best maize! On top of that, it is home to many famous Inca ruins as it was once the hub of the Inca Empire.

Journeying through the region and staying there is an unforgettable experience for me. Posted below are photos of the beautiful valley, its towns, shops and indigenous people who still observe centuries old lifestyle and tradition.

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