
Friday 21 December 2018

My Nepal Trip Part 5: Bhaktapur - Pottery Square & Taumadhi Square

There are no taxis or public buses within the historic town of Bhaktapur as 4-wheeled motorised vehicles are not allowed in so visitors are left with no choice except to walk. Fortunately though, the three most popular tourist attractions are within walking distances and my hotel is just a stone's throw away.

After visiting Bhaktapur Durbar Square (click to view), we headed southward walking along a narrow unnamed lane opposite National Art Gallery.
The lane is lined with many shops and was pleasant to stroll through as we feasted our eyes on the myriads of interesting things on display. There was a temptation to stop and shop but the priority was to complete our walking tour before the sun set at 6.15pm by which time Bhaktapur would be in darkness. After 300 meters we reached Pottery Square.

Pottery Square
Pottery making is an age old trade that has become entrenched in the lifestyle and culture of Bhaktapur. Our visit to Pottery Square unfortunately coincided with the Festival Of Lights so we couldn't see a multifarious display of pottery drying in the open. Even though many artisans and their workers have taken a break the more diligent ones could still be seen spinning the wheels and deftly crafting out their earthenware. 

Flower pots, vases, cooking pots, wind chimes, urns, coin boxes and decor items were among the products seen on display. The earthenware made were mostly unglazed.

From Pottery Square we moved on to Taumadhi Square.

Taumadhi Square
Taumadhi Square was thronged with thousands of people. It was a mad place with motorcycles incessantly circling around. I am not sure whether this is a typical daily scenario or one made more vibrant because of The Festival Of Lights which is being celebrated in grandeur during my visit to Nepal. I love seeing the culture, the colorful display of wares and vivid attire donned by the people but I didn't quite like the noise and congestion at this place.

Most prominent on Taumadhi Square is Nyatapola Temple, a five storey roofed temple built in 1702 during the reign of King Bhupatindra Malla. This 30 meter high building managed to survive both the 1934 and 2015 earthquake.

There are many old buildings surrounding the square and these are either shops, hotels or restaurants.

Nyatapola Cafe (the pagoda-like building seen here) which stands at the entrance of the square is a popular restaurant among tourists. It is however quite pricey to dine here.

We completed our walking tour and had a very late lunch cum dinner at one of the hotels at the edge of Taumadhi Square.
I have grown to love the Dhal Bhat, a traditional meal with steamed rice and assorted dishes served on a tray. The restaurant at Sidhi Home Hotel which we patronized is quite commendable for this dish. 
Another traditional food called momos is also a must try while travelling around Nepal.

Related Posts: Click To View
1. Nagarkot -The Himalayan Views, Sunset And Sunrise
2. Nagarkot - The Village
3  Nagarkot - Staying In Club Himalaya
4. Bhaktapur - The Arrival & Bhaktapur Durbar Square
5. Bhaktapur - Pottery Square & Taumadhi Square
6. Bhaktapur - Walking Back In Time Photo Gallery
7. Road Journey From Bhaktapur/Kathmandu To Pokhara
8. About Pokhara And Where To Stay

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